"Doing Good. Forever."
Serving Citizens of
Wyandot County, Ohio

What are Scholarship Winners Doing Now?
Leah Crawford I am a first-year Speech Pathology and Audiology student. My minor is Disability Studies and Community Inclusion. In the future, I plan on attending graduate school to pursue my master’s degree in Speech Pathology to become a certified Speech Pathologist. I am beyond thankful for the scholarships I have received from the Wyandot County Community Foundation because they allow me to focus more on my studies and less on my financial responsibilities. The scholarships that I have received allowed me to choose an institution that best suited my academic needs. At Kent State, I am a Research Assistant in a Speech Pathology research lab. The lab is called the MADI Lab (Miscommunication and Dialogue Interaction Lab). Participating in research is important to me because it gives me a broader understanding of what my future as a Speech Pathologist entails. I am grateful that the Wyandot County Community Foundation scholarships have given me opportunities that I may not have gotten to have without them.
Lance Riedlinger
With assistance from this scholarship for the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 school year, I was able to attend college and be the first one from my family to obtain schooling after high school. I am thankful for the opportunities that this scholarship has enabled. I am currently a Junior at The Ohio State University studying Agriculture Systems Management. I graduated from The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute with my Associates of Science degree in Agriculture Systems Management in the Spring of 2018. I hope to graduate in the spring of 2020 with a Bachelor of Science degree and pursue a career in grain handling. I am excited to see what the future holds for my career in agriculture.
Bryce O’Flaherty
As I am finishing up the last semester of my freshman year at The Ohio State, ATI I have encountered some obstacles, but I have overcome them, and it's been a very rewarding first year. I am currently studying agriculture communications and will be minoring in Community leadership and extension in Agriculture. I plan are to finish my degree in Columbus, Ohio and graduate in 2023/2024. I hope to travel and gain knowledge from other agriculture practices and my career of choice would be to work with the National FFA or with The Ohio State 4-H extension. The Dwain Sayre Scholarship has helped me achieve my goal of being able to attend The Ohio State University and be able to study agriculture and for that I am forever grateful.
Sydney Ferguson
School is going very well for me as I am loving the Ohio State Marion campus! I am majoring in Health Sciences and I am planning to spend another school year in Marion then transition to either the OSU main campus or the OSU Lima campus to finish my degree! After my four years, I am unsure where I will be attending to finish my two years in graduate school to become an Occupational Therapist. I am very grateful to have received the Gottfried scholarship as it has helped me to pay for my books and tuition and to achieve my goal of helping people as an Occupational Therapist! It is such an honor to have received this award and I am so thankful for your help with helping me to change other people lives!
Clara Adelsperger
I received the foundation scholarship in 2014 and 2015. I graduated from Heidelberg University in May. Upon graduation, I was hired as the high school Algebra II and Trigonometry teacher at River Valley High School in Marion, Ohio. Over the school year, though I have faced many challenges as a first-year teacher, I have finally found my place in the school and truly enjoy the career I have chosen. I plan on continuing my education in the next few years to earn my master’s in education with a focus in mathematics.
Mallory Weininger
I'm in my senior year at Ohio Northern University set to graduate in May with a bachelor's degree in civil engineering. I'm working towards getting my professional engineering license and my professional surveying license to eventually become county engineer.
Kasey Adelsperger
I finished school at Tiffin University in the spring of 2018. I ended up using my fourth year of eligibility with volleyball to earn a master’s degree in Justice Administration. In the summer of 2018 I attended Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy at Rhodes State College in Lima, Ohio. I earned a certificate to be a Police Officer in the State of Ohio. In August, I was hired with the Findlay Police Department. I began training and working on the road as a police officer in October. I have just recently been released from my Field Training Program a few weeks ago and excited to be working patrol at Findlay PD and excited for the opportunities that the department has to offer.
Logan Dible
I received the scholarship in 2016 and I currently attend Kent State University. I am double majoring in mild to moderate and moderate to intensive special education here with a 3.8 GPA. I will be student teaching this upcoming fall semester and will graduate in December of this year, 2019. I am currently employed with a program on campus called Career and Community Studies which is a 4-year college program for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We are currently the number one program in the nation for college transition programs for individuals with disabilities and I teach students through this program, job coach, and help complete administrative tasks. I have loved my college experience so far and am looking forward to graduating this year and beginning my career! Thank you for the scholarship it has helped me so much!
Adrianne Weininger
After completing my first semester at Otterbein, I feel as though I have found where I am meant to be. I am a Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB) major with a Chemistry minor. After undergraduate school, I plan on attending Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine to become a Doctor of Osteopathy. Dermatology, anesthesiology, and orthopedic surgery interest me, but I have plenty of time to figure out what specialty I would like.
The Gottfried Scholarship has helped me tremendously. Without the scholarship, I would not have been able to attend Otterbein and find what I love. It has allowed me to pursue my passions without fretting about the costs. I have found organizations driven by purpose and a community that focuses on giving back. Scholarships like the Gottfried Scholarship are essential to many students' ability to attend college, especially for me.
Lillie Orians
My major is biomedical engineering. School is going well! It's full of new experiences that are making me a well-rounded individual, and I'm learning new things every day, both in and out of the classroom. The Gottfried scholarship has helped me in many ways. I don't feel as much of a financial burden with the help of scholarships giving me continuous support from my community back home. I always feel the support of Upper even from hours away, and knowing the community supports my education drives me to work harder and reach my goals. Thank you so much for the scholarship; it makes such an impact on students!
Jenna Baum
School is going great! I am graduating in May and couldn’t be happier to finish school! My majors are Ag business, marketing and business management. They are all a great asset to help me in the future of agriculture and I couldn’t be prouder to hopefully work in that field one day! I plan to pursue a job in agriculture wherever that may be. My scholarships have helped me get through school debt free and that is another thing that I am proud of. By working and getting scholarships, I will not have to worry about having school debt for the rest of my life as some do. Thanks for your help through this process!
Ashley Cano
I am in my junior year of nursing school. When I'm not in class, I work as a caregiver for a child with developmental delays. My career and personal goals include obtaining my BSN to start as a floor nurse, preferably on a med-surgery floor. I'd like to continue and get my master’s degree as well. I received the foundation scholarship for my freshman and sophomore years at Capital University