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Scholarships Established with the Wyandot County Community Foundation
an affiliate of the Toledo Community Foundation

R. G. A. Goodman Scholastic Award Fund - for the Wayside Christian School - Student with the highest GPA in his/her graduating class. Student must have completed two years of foreign language, participated in musical or athletic activities, exhibit qualities of leadership, high moral character and school and community citizenship and enroll in a field of study that requires at least three years post-secondary education. Contact the Wayside Christian School guidance office for application and deadline information.


Goodman Scholastic Award Fund for Upper Sandusky High School - This is a one-time scholarship for an Upper Sandusky High School student pursuing a post-secondary education at an accredited institution. Contact the Upper Sandusky High guidance office for application and deadline information


Charles and Jean Gottfried Scholarship - for graduating high school seniors who reside in Wyandot County, Ohio to attend an accredited school of higher education of their choice full-time.  FoINFORMATION click hereA renewal scholarship is also available in the second year.  


McCarthy Family Scholarship - Two (2) annual one-time scholarships for graduating seniors continuing their education at a two or four year post-secondary school or a qualified trade school. Applicants should use the Unified application and include academics, extracurricular or community volunteer activities and a short essay on your goals and financial needs. 


Robert Peter Lee Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship will be awarded to a graduating senior at USHS who has demonstrated an exemplary spirit of volunteerism and service to others, in school, in the community, or for his/her church, during Junior High and/or High School, and who intends to pursue a career in Education.  Priority will be given to applicants involved in music activities and/or athletics.  Demonstrated leadership ability in any of these roles will be a significant plus.  The successful applicant must be enrolled or accepted in an accredited post-secondary institution of learning (2 or 4 year).  A special application, available in the guidance office, must include supervisory contact information for all reported volunteer activities, plus one character reference.  A one-page letter of recommendation attesting to the applicant’s potential to become an effective teacher, coach, or mentor to students, is also required.


Christina L. Minehart Scholarship Fund - for post-secondary education scholarship(s) for graduating seniors of Upper Sandusky High School pursing a degree at an accredited four year education institution of his/her choice. Contact the Upper Sandusky High guidance office for application and deadline information.


Dr. Prasad C. Kakarala Scholarship - This scholarship shall be awarded to a graduating senior who has been accepted by a two or four-year accredited technical college or university and plans to begin a regular program of study in the next school year. Applicants must show outstanding scholastics, school and community participation, good citizenship, leadership and show financial need. Preference will be given to applicants who will be entering a medical or technology field.


Andy Koehler Medical Scholarship Fund - October 2017

Brenda Koehler and Daughters created this scholarship to honor the life of Andy Koehler.  The scholarship will be awarded annually to a graduating senior of Upper Sandusky High School intending to pursue a career in a medical field at an accredited two or four year education institution of his/her choice. Contact the Upper Sandusky High guidance office for application and deadline information. 


The Dwain Sayre Agricultural Honor Scholarship Fund - for Agriculture Education/FFA graduates of Mohawk High School, pursuing a degree in the fields of food, agriculture or environmental sciences. Mohawk High School Agriculture Education graduates in their second, third and fourth year of college may also reapply. Seniors contact the Mohawk High School guidance office or FFA advisor for application and deadline information or (download senior application here)  renewal applicants (download renewal application here) 


Joseph D. Sheaffer Memorial Scholarship

The purpose of the fund is to provide educational scholarships for graduating senior(s) from Upper Sandusky High School, Upper Sandusky, OH to attend an accredited two or four-year post-secondary institution of the recipient’s choice. Individuals receiving scholarships must be enrolled as part-time or full-time undergraduate students. The scholarship award shall be used for purposes of covering education-related expenses.  The Donor desires the scholarship selection criteria reflect Joseph D. Sheaffer’s passions in life: athletics, education and agriculture.  Applications will be evaluated on Academic Excellence and Leadership.   Preference will be given to applicants who share their interest and/or involvement in three (3) of the following:  a) planning to attend The Ohio State University,

b) majoring in agriculture, c) majoring in engineering, d) earned a varsity letter in basketball, e) earned a varsity letter in track,

f) earned an FFA Chapter Degree, g) inducted into the National Honor Society.


Martha Stephan Weaver & Rita Stephan Stangby Fund - for Upper Sandusky High School graduates of any age or graduating seniors pursuing a post-secondary degree certification or training to become a registered nurse, nursing assistant, nurse’s aid, licensed practical nurse, or other nursing related professional.


Rev. Charles C. Steward - The scholarship will be awarded to a USHS graduating senior, who plans to further his or her education at an accredited 2 or 4-year post-secondary school or qualified trade school. Applicants must show financial need, participation in church, school, and community activities and write a short essay which describes how church involvement has influenced his or her life. Preference shall be given in priority order to applicants a) who attend First Evangelical Lutheran Church of Upper Sandusky, OH; or b) who attend church regularly (as evidenced by their required essay regarding church involvement and or c) are interested in a career in Christian education. However, in years where there are no applicants who fit within priorities a), b) or c) all other applicants for the scholarship award will be considered


Agnes Lutz Scholarship - for annual one-time scholarship awards, of equal amounts to two Riverdale High School graduating seniors.  Individuals receiving a scholarship(s) must be enrolled as full-time students at an accredited four year post secondary institution of the recipients choice.  Scholarship awards will be paid in the second year of the recipients‘ enrollment at the post secondary educational institution. Seniors contact the Riverdale High School guidance office for an application or download application here.


Randy & Chris Brown Scholarship -  an annual one-time scholarship for a graduating senior from Carey, Upper Sandusky, Wynford, Mohawk, Riverdale or Ridgedale School Districts who plans to further his/her education at an accredited Technical School, Community College or Trade School.  Contact the school guidance office for application and submission deadline .    


Logsdon Scholarship FundGiles and Carol Logsdon established The Logsdon Scholarship Fund to provide scholarships annually to qualified students who have accomplished all of the following items:

  1. Have attended St Peter Catholic School in Upper Sandusky, Ohio;

  2. Have graduated from High School; and

  3. Have attended an accredited technical college, trade school, college, or university; completing at least one

    year of a two- or more year course of study. Students who are in the process of completing the school year are encouraged to apply but may be required to show proof of successful completion if selected for a scholarship.

​Download Application Here


Tammy K. Clifford Memorial Scholarship - The purpose of this annual scholarship is to provide financial assistance to a graduating senior from Upper Sandusky.  Criteria for selection is based on (but not limited to) academic achievement, involvement ion extra-curricular and/or community activities, and need for financial assistance.​


Wyandot Classics and Cruisers Scholarship - A portion of the earnings from the Wyandot Classics and Cruisers Fall Car Show will be used to fund scholarships for students who plan to further their education in automotive technology.  Eligible students must be a graduate and a Wyandot County resident.

Scholarships Established with the Toledo Community Foundation

The Masters Scholarship - To encourage educational achievement and to make possible further study, beyond high school, for graduating high school seniors from Upper Sandusky High School, Upper Sandusky, Ohio. One-time scholarships will be awarded annually to students to attend a post-secondary institution of their choice. The scholarship is not renewable. A number of scholarships of equal amounts will be awarded. To get started click on this link

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